How to Play Hidden Instagram Emoji Game

Have you heard about the hidden Instagram emoji game? If you do not know about the hidden instagram emoji game or how to access it, this guide will show you how.

If spending time watching reels is not enough and you need something else to keep you stuck on instagram app then you should try this secret Instagram emoji game on Android and iPhone. It’s an easy and fun game like Pong. You move a paddle to keep an emoji flying across your screen.

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How to Play Instagram Emoji Game

If you want to play the secret instagram emoji game, all you have to do is send an emoji to one of your followers, preferably a friend or one of your dummy account.

You should only send a single emoji, any one of your choice, do not add any text, and it is not an emoji reaction either.

Once you have sent a single emoji to someone, tap onit to kick off secret Instagram emoji game.

To play the game you have to slide your finger across the screen to move the paddle at the bottom. Try to hit the emoji with the paddle to keep it bouncing. You earn a point each time the emoji bounces. It is game over when you fail to hit the emoji and it touches the bottom of the screen.

While playing the instagram emoji game, the emoji moves faster and background colour changes when your scores start to increases, just like the dragon game in chrome. So you have to stay focused and swipe faster than when you start the game.

You can find your high score for the instagram emoji game at the top-right of the game and stays the same even when you change emoji or send another DM to someone else, so you have just one high score.

If you want to show off how good you are on the game, you’d have to take a screenshot and post on your stories or reels, as the high score is not publicly displayed.

Also, the existence of the game is not public knowledge at the moment of writing this blog post. Instagram does not show any notification when you are playing the instagram emoji game, or even that the game exist.

That means you would have to let your friend know about it and why you are sending them an emoji, then you can challenge them to play the secret instagram emoji game and beat your high score.

Instagram Emoji Game Easter Eggs and Helpful Tips

Want tips that can help you beat your recent instagram emoji game high score? We have got you covered. Since the paddle is at the bottom of the screen and not too large, there is a chance that your thumb or whatever finger you are using will get in the way.

This means that, it can block the view and prevent you from seeing where the emoji will hit. A working solution for this is that you can put your finger just about anywhere of your screen and still be able to control the paddle at the bottom.

Find a spot that is suitable for you and enjoy the game. For a better view, turn your phone sideways and slide your finger on the side away from the paddle.

For the Instagram emoji game Easter eggs you can use different emojis to change how the game plays. For example, this 👹 moves very fast when you use it, 👻 fades in and out giving that ghost effect, and 👽 teleports randomly all over the screen.

In other instances, the emoji will transform when you score goes up, for example the egg 🥚 will transform into a chick, 👶 that grows up, and a 🐛 that turns into a butterfly 🦋. The secret instgram emoji game has many fun Easter eggs packed into it.

Play now, share with your friends, and discover many more easter eggs in the Instagram emoji game.

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